As a sequel to our 28th exhibition, Early Landmarks in Automotive Engineering, this exhibit highlights technology, accelerated due to the war efforts at home and abroad, sparking a new era of technology and design.  Cars such as the 1948 Hudson Commodore with its state-of-the-art chassis and suspension or the 1962 Chevrolet Corvair Monza, with the first production turbocharger, were further refined a decade later in the 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo.

Turbocharged, rotary, radial combustion engines have made way for automakers to focus on new technologies including zero-emission combustible fuels, hydrogen, and electric vehicle technology. We have already seen a number of exciting hybrids and electric vehicles come to the forefront. In 2014 we saw the introduction of hybrid hypercars like the Porsche 918 seen here, along with other radical EVs such as the Hummer EV released more recently.

Enjoy the opportunity to see some of these vehicles up close and learn about these historically significant automobiles and motorcycles firsthand.